

7046 Uppsatser om Prospect Theory - Sida 1 av 470

Tidspress och ekonomiskt risktagande

Stress and time pressure is more present in todays labor markets. In financial markets a securities broker is forced to take decisions on investments under high cognitive load and under extreme time pressure. The research of decision under risk gained new ground with the development of the Prospect Theory and gave us new insights to the decision making of men. Prospect Theory has shown that people are risk seekers when dealing with loss decisions and risk avert when dealing with profit decisions. The value function are defined over gains and losses.

Vilka faktorer och tankesätt ligger till grund för att en stor andel av svenska premiepensionssparare är passiva? : Forskning och statistik visar att kontinuerlig aktiv placering i genomsnitt ger högst avkastning, ändå är en stor andel av premiepensionssp

Denna studie undersöker hur premiepensionssparare tar beslut och vad som ligger till grund för valet att vara aktiv eller passiv i syfte att skapa ökad förståelse och underlätta utformningen av ett ökat beslutsstöd för premiepensionsspararna. Tidigare studier har visat att premiepensionssparare som är kontinuerligt aktiva i sin placering är de som får högst avkastning på sin premiepension, ändå är en stor andel av svenska premiepensionssparare passiva. Studien undersöker några av de faktorer och tankesätt som ligger till grund för att en stor andel av svenska premiepensionssparare inte tar beslut som förväntas enligt teoretiska beslutsteorier som förutsätter rationalitet. Som verktyg för att undersöka och öka förståelsen för premiepensionssparares beslutsfattande används Prospect Theory som är en alternativ teori till den klassiska ekonomiska teorin om ekonomiskt beslutsfattande. Studien grundar sig i problematiken som uppstår när samhällsutvecklingen allt mer skapar större informationsflöde samtidigt som allt mer beslut och risk läggs på individen.

Individers agerande vid investerings- och avyttringsbeslut i aktier - en analys av regret theorys giltighet

Resultaten av vår undersökning visar på att vi generellt sett inte kan säga om individuella investerare agerar enligt regret theory eller inte. En del resultat tyder dock på att vissa effekter inom teorin är applicerbar på individuella investerare. Vi kan urskilja trender som tyder på att individen beter sig på ett visst sett och resonerat kring varför han beter sig så. Individen föredrar alltid det säkra alternativet om förluster eller stora vinster står på spel. Om skillnaden i säkerhet är väldigt liten försummar han den.

Läsningens goda kretslopp: En studie av hemmets, skolans och skolbibliotekets betydelse för barns läsning

The aim of this master thesis is to investigate and illustrate the measures that parents, teachers and school librarians can take in order to influence childrens reading, and, more importantly, how these attempts performed by the adults in the childs environment affect the reading habits of the child. The methods used include qualitative interviews, undertaken with eight students/children, their teacher and a school librarian, and an observation of a book talk in the studied class. Considering that no interviews have been executed with the parents, the results presented regarding the parents prospects of encouraging childrens reading, are therefore to be seen from the perspective of the children, and analysed as such. Three different theories have been employed in order to elucidate the results of the study; Bourdieus theory about the cultural capital transmitted from parent to child; Aidan Chambers theory on the book talk as promoting reading; and Louise Limbergs theory on the levels of the school library and its consequent prognosis of working to promote reading. The results of the study concur with Bourdieus theory, in that the childrens reading habits in most cases seem to have been affected by the amount of involvement that the parents have given to promote their reading.

Kreditgivningsprocessen : Hur humankapital och risk bedöms vid kreditgivning av nyetablerade småföretag

Small business enterprises have escalated in Sweden during the last decade. However, new established companies are struggling to maintain their selves during the startup process and according to a survey from Tillväxtanalys, only 68 % of startup companies from 2008 were still active three years later. One of the main reasons is lack of capital and the most common approach to finance companies is to apply for a bank loan. In other words, commercial banks are of great importance for new businesses. Although, the problem arises when there is no previous history from the new businesses that the bank could base its credit assessment on.

Kulturpräglade miljökaraktärer i landskapet : om teorierna kring och användningen av "Allmänningen", "Lustgården" och "Centrum, festen" i fysisk planering för hälsa och välbefinnande.

During spring 2008, the Institution for Landscape Architecture, in co-operation with Naturvårdsverket, initiated a survey in the districts of Skåne. In the survey, four out of eight park characters were examined, and it was observed that not only was it difficult interpreting these characters, but it was also presented with difficulties separating ??Lustgården?? and ??Allmänningen??. The purpose of this master thesis in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Psychology is twofold. Firstly, a theoretical framework will be constructed on the thee characters ??Allmänningen??, ??Lustgården?? and ??Centrum, festen??.

Risken finns - men hur avgör vi vad den betyder?

Huruvida mänskligt beslutsfattande och riskbeteende är att betrakta somirrationellt eller rationellt beror på vilken teoretisk utgångspunkt som antas. Enligt ?expected utility?-teori och ?prospect?-teori uppfattas dessa som irrationella då det visar sig att användandet av olika heuristiker eller tumregler leder till systematiska felbeslut och teoretiska överträdelser. Utifrån ett evolutionärt perspektiv ses dock dessa överträdelser inte alls som systematiskt felaktiga utan betraktas istället som ekologiskt rationella enligt ?bounded risk distribution? modellen.

Beteendeproblematik utifrån ett klientperspektiv"Behavioural problems from a clients perspective"

ABSTRACT Behavioural problems are a compound conception for emotional difficulties at different levels. Individuals with behavioural problems could have difficulties with social relations, low self-esteem, anxiety and worry. The purpose with the examination was to describe how clients apprehend their behavioural problems and what they consider could be the causes of it. The examination was based on the qualitative interviews with 5 clients and a professional helper. We came in contact with our clients through our practice.

Språkets effekter på riskpreferenser inom finanssektorn.

Ett generellt antagande i de flesta finansiella teorier handlar om att människor är rationella och riskaverta. En investerare bör därför diversifiera sin portfölj till att även inkludera tillgångar på den internationella finansiella marknaden. Detta innebär att dagens svenska investerare behöver läsa finansiell information på ett andraspråk, vanligtvis på engelska. Då tidigare studier inom beteendefinansiering visar på samband mellan språk och finansiella beslut, syftar den aktuella studien till att undersöka huruvida individers riskpreferenser vid beslutsfattande påverkas av om information läses på svenska (modersmål för svenska investerare) respektive engelska (andraspråk). Detta sker genom en enkätundersökning bland anställda på fyra svenska banker.

Förberedelser inför den väpnade striden : Två verktyg; Idrottspsykologi och samtal om döden

The combat mission is an extreme situation with high demands of the soldier. Killing might very well be necessary. Before a mission a soldier can experience stress due to these factors. The purpose of this paper is to find methods to handle stress due to an upcoming combat mission and to the prospect of having to kill. The main questions of this essay: -How can certain parts of the physiological psychology improve a soldiers ability to perform a mission? ? Is the Swedish soldier mentally prepared to kill? The theory for this essay has been described using litteratur by experts within the field, and the results thereafter discussed.

Kylapotentialen i Drefviken för Vattenfall Heat AB

Vattenfall Heat AB is a district heat provider in Drefviken, but has yet to establish any cooling systems in this area. This thesis examines the potential client base within the area today and over the coming 20 years. The feasibility of the most common cooling technologies is evaluated and results show a total potential for an installed capacity of 30 MW providing 50 GWh of cooling per year. One of the examined areas shows good prospect for heat driven absorption chillers during the summer months when the heat load is limited..

Crowdfunding : Svenskarnas motiv till att investera

The purpose of this essay is to examine the Swedish people?s level of knowledge about crowdfunding and their incentives and deterrents to crowdfunding investments. Early on crowdfunding was divided into two objectives: reward based and equity based crowdfunding. The division of objectives is logical due to the differencing conditions of the motivation for investors to invest. Supported by theories in crowdfunding incentives, commitment-trust, the Prospect Theory, and the diffusion of innovations, we aim to establish a comprehensive line of reasoning to support our model of motivation in the conclusive chapter.The results of this essay were achieved by a combined method.

Högtrycket-Initierande undersökning av nytt limträmaterial

The present study examines a new production line of glue-laminated wood (glulam). The glulam is produced from non-planed boards of spruce, which also is convex, that is pressed together with high pressure during the gluing. According to a economic calculation, the material has a economical potential mainly on account of the absent planning. The study mainly found out that the shear strength of the material tolerated the demanded values in standard SS-EN 386, but the delaminating values did not. Since there are more areas to be studied around the material, the prospect to achieve the right delamination values is seen as positive..

Skillnader i variation : Lärares uppfattningar av variationsteori och hur variationsteorin blir en guidande princip

The gap between practise and theory is often described in negative words in teachers? professional lives. Learning study is a model for teachers´ professional development where a theoretical framework is used to enhance practice. The theoretical framework used by teachers in learning study is variation theory. In this study the research object is variation theory and the aim is to present how variation theory becomes a guiding principle to understand teaching and learning processes.

Tests of optimal capital structure theory and pecking order theory using a binomial approach- a study of Swedish firms

This master thesis concerns whether Swedish non-financial listed firms act in accordance with the optimal capital structure theory and/or pecking order theory. The examined period is 1998-2004 and we discover that Swedish companies neither follow optimal capital structure theory nor pecking order theory. From our results we conclude that there exists no single point of the capital structure which is optimal. Rather it seems as if the optimal point lies in-between an interval from 0 to the industry average, where firms tend to be indifferent to their debt-ratios. Our results show that Swedish companies prefer internal financing followed by equity and as last choice debt issuance..

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